Ep 50 N8 2nd Jun 23 - N8 Premier - Exposing the Treason Documents

1 year ago

Are the Administrators (previously known as govt) guilty of unlawfully signing away NZ to a minority group who's claim of right is questionable to say the least?

Liz explains how this all came about and steps us through the undeniable evidence of what went on in secret meetings

Another must watch for those that want to stay informed as to what is really going on behind the scenes

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01:11 Liz: Declaration and Treason dissected – Treason Documents previously discussed on other media platforms – The Platform interviews with Gary Judd KC - Lawyers and Conveyances Act 2006 amendments?

13:31 Liz: Tikanga is customs, nothing written - Ruling in 2021 from the Supreme Court that tikanga is the first law in New Zealand, not common law – What about our English common law – Judeo Christian law – Tikanga which existed in 1840 was replaced by the English common law – Reinstatement would be no private property, cannibalism & slavery revived? – Trade protected under the 1835 trading flag

20:50 Liz: Dissecting page 1/6 Declaration and Order – TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND – See flag – Section 6 Imperial Laws Application Act – New Zealand secondary legislation because the Sovereign Queen Elizabeth, is gone. Gone in 1986 and replaced by Company called HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND SEC CIK #0000216105 – Crown lands have been mortgaged to pay money borrowed – On the securities market – NZ Treasury address – Allodial title so no right to mortgage the land

24:30 Liz: Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal; Notice to the Principal is notice to the Agent –Addressed to Helen Winkelmann-Chief Justice, Patsy Reddy-Governor General, Jacinda Arden-Prime Minister – Signed off by agents – Common law is the law of the land. OK, so stick with common law and you won't go wrong. You start getting yourself into deep water, no pun intended, with using this maritime law

27:19 Liz: Page 2 Declaration – 1835 written constitution as made by the Chiefs of Hapu and affirmed by King William IV & ratified – Allodial World to grab document – 20th of March 1834 constitutional flag remains the only lawful flag – Treaty expired and more from page 2

34:26 Liz: Pacific Islanders Protection Act 1875 – Section 5, the New Zealand Constitution Act, 1986, total demise of the Crown

37:51 Liz: KW said “what is your affiliation to HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND. And she says “I am the Queen's judge” – Analysis of words counterfeit – Understand three arms of Government

39:22 Liz: Handover – Gregory Baughen, consulate general, secretary for the Governor General Patsy Reddy – Defender of the Faith – Look in the securities division for HIS MAJESTY THE KING AND RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND – Was an Oath sworn – Inherited Acts from England – Common laws from England and laws of Equity

43:59 Liz: Section 5 Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 - Application of common law of England – Section 6 Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 - Power to make subordinate legislation under Imperial enactments part of laws of New Zealand – Visit recent zoom 20230531 (W) Voluntary Tyranny for Liz discussing should the current King make changes to 1688, then it will affect NZ too – Did he take the Oath? – Orders in Council not signed off

47:50 Liz: Pg 4, do not recognise the authority and introduction to – Order pg. 5 – Maritime contracts, Andrew Little and Pike River mine connection – After Charles I was executed the proceeding became figureheads – The law of the land is what is predominant and really maritime law is like a ship out of water

53:01 Liz: $150M payoff – 3-day hui – Pg 6 asserting the remedy – Postmaster syntax – Purple thumbprint and Notary page – Summary of document – Signing off filmed – Visited Treasury, PM office, office of GG – Anthea Williams

01:03:41 Liz: Question time – He Whakaputanga – What’s in the treasury? – The lands of NZ – Money going into trusts – No full disclosure – Sue Pfizer – Money laundering NZ – Liz analysis of Treason document

01:11:13 Liz: Order in Council – Road is a conquest word – NZ is an administrative state, it was not a conquest – Bird park update

01:17:01 Liz: All law is common law, the law of the land – Maritime law which is conqueror’s law has no place in NZ – Allodial title and farmers – Resource consent – Land taken for SNA’s – Case to use section 6 and refer to document because obviously the administrators agree – Support the farmers – Rules about occupation

01:25:24 Liz: Executing a date of revocation of the power of attorney – 9/10 of the Law maxim – OK, so if you have the paper title and you have occupation on position, and you're basing it on the fact that we live in a country that was never conquered and so we can't possibly have in reality a fee simple in this country then – Last tenth is the paper Title – Legal term, land means white paper – Crown of England were Hanoverians – Open chat with SC

01:35:03 Liz: Common law is contract and equity is basically tort and criminal law – 2017 treaty rewrite

Content links:

Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006

Interview 1 - The Platform NZ - Gary Judd KC speaks out on new Treaty compliance changes for lawyers – With Ron

Interview 2 -The Platform NZ - Confirmation the Treaty of Waitangi could govern the country's lawyers – With Gary Judd Casey


United Tribes flag

Supreme Court Judgement TE POU MATAKANA LIMITED v ATTORNEY-GENERAL [2021] NZHC 3319 [6 December 2021]

The NZ Supreme Court Judgement and the impacts to Māori Data Sovereignty

Pacific Islanders Protection Act 1875 (38 and 39 Vict., c. 51.)

Section 6 Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 - Power to make subordinate legislation under Imperial enactments part of laws of New Zealand
(ii) in any other case, if it is made by the Sovereign in right of New Zealand acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council:

Section 5 Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 - Application of common law of England

20230531 (W) Voluntary Tyranny


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The Royal Assent from the Canadian perspective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk3I3qNXslM&list=TLPQMTIwNjIwMjNAWR7U4yabwA&index=1

It all goes back to Primary Legislation – Fundamental building blocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OkjquoRkgQ&list=TLPQMTIwNjIwMjNAWR7U4yabwA&index=5

Maritime law

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