A Plethora of Polygonal Platforming! – Tomb Raider Stream 1 - LordEctro

1 year ago

We work our way through temples and Colosseum’s, quickly realizing that not only are these places absolutely not handicap accessible, but our greatest enemy is a combination between gravity and isolated ecosystems of animals that have no right to be here yet they are and somehow aggressive…also tons and tons of backflips.

I normally stream on Twitch Monday and Wednesday at 6pm to 9pm cst and on Friday at 12pm-6pm at www.twitch.tv/LordEctro ! Hope to see ya there!

Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/LordEctro
Twitter! https://twitter.com/LordEctro
Discord? https://discord.gg/BDTzrseDqs

Tomb Raider! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRCuTKVSNVy4q9eFDzggZ7ZxvpXdSx6lG
Tomb Raider Franchise! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRCuTKVSNVy4wrR2rdHB2wXlkIR-_qOLl

#gaming #TombRaider #TombRaider1

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