Gods of the New Age (1984)

1 year ago

Gods of the New Age (1984)
This film explores the eerie world of ego-maniacal gurus and their Western counterparts, known as "New Agers". In a series of exclusive, candid interviews, you will share the thoughts of the Hindu "Master", and witness the blind devotion and unquestioning obedience of his disciples.
Gods of the New Age takes you from the rebellion against the values and morals of Christian belief seen in the early sixties and the mindless devotion toward the gurus who began to be worshiped as gods by their followers, to today's U.S corridors, American schoolrooms, and even some churches, where occultism and New Age techniques and practices are openly embraced.
Though this film is based on footage which is now decades old, it still uncovers the chilling parallels between today's Western culture which increasingly embraces occult philosophies and integrates it into music, film, and books, and where it may ultimately lead us.
This video is uploaded under terms of the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for educational purposes as a warning to those people caught up in religious cults.
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Note: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!
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