KU National Apostolic Congress - Corinth, TX - June 1-3, 2023 - THURSDAY EVENING

1 year ago

THIS IS KINGDOM UNIVERSITY'S MID-YEAR CONFERENCE. This year the conference is actually a CONGRESS. It is our annual National Apostolic Congress.
Speakers: Greg Hood, Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Tim Sheets, Jane Hamon, Ron Phillips, Tod Zeiger, Jim Hodges, Coach Scott Oatsvall, and others.

Time 6:30pm


To give to GHM, text GIVE to: 844-409-3123
Check out our website: www.greghood.org

Please connect with us on these social media sights to stay informed and connected to what God is doing at and through GHM.
Greg's TRUTH SOCIAL: @drgreghood
Greg's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greg.hood.71/​
Greg's Website: www.greghood.org
Greg's Parler: https://parler.com/profile/Drghood/posts​
Greg's Twitter: https://twitter.com/apostle_greg​
Greg's Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/DrGregHood​
Greg’s YouTube: Greg Hood Ministries

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