What is Wrong with Yoga in the Church? (Part 1) - with Caryl Matrisciana

1 year ago

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Our topic for today, as Gary mentioned, is “Yoga.” We’re particularly concerned about the influence that it’s had upon Christians here in the US. Our guest to discuss this subject with us is Caryl Matrisciana, the producer, director, and writer of Yoga Uncoiled, which is without a doubt the best documentary on yoga from the perspective of biblical Christianity that I know of. Caryl, welcome to Search the Scriptures 24/7.

Caryl: Thank you, Tom, for having me as a guest. I’m really privileged. Thank you, indeed.

Tom: Well, Caryl, I know, but maybe our listeners aren’t aware…you have produced dozens of other documentaries, the subjects of which…well, we could do a month of programs! Seriously!

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