America Goes Over

1 year ago

On World War I. Reel 1-German films show U-boat deck guns sinking a freighter. President Wilson poses in his office. A British patrol returns to Allied lines with prisoners of war Flamethrowers are used. French troops advance. Italians fire machine guns from Alpine dugouts. Shows barracks construction and artillery manufacturing in the United States. Keels are laid and freighters are launched at Hog Island Shipyard in Philadelphia. Secretary Baker draws draft numbers. Theodore Roosevelt watches a New York City parade. Draftees entrain, detrain at an Army post, are examined, and march. Shows U.S. battleships off Britain. King George V boards the flagship. Pershing decorates Lafayette's tomb in Paris. Reel 2: Shows first aid in trenches. Troops cross a pontoon bridge over the Marne and enter Chateau-Thierry. Supplies are unloaded at a port and a warehouse at Gievres is shown. Artillery fires on Mont Sec, planes are aligned, infantry crosses trenches, refugees eat, prisoners of war march to the rear. The St. Quentin tunnel is examined. Belgian King Albert and Queen Elizabeth review US troops. Reel 3: Trucks, artillery and infantry advance for the Meuse-Argonne campaign. A German plane downs an observation balloon and is fired upon. Troops advance under artillery fire and take Montfaucon Hill. Pershing decorates troops. French girls dance. Reel 4: Supplies are hauled and roads are built in rubbled Montfaucon. Troops leave for a rest camp. Airplanes take off. The Meuse is crossed. Tanks, troops, artillery, and trucks pass rubbled villages. The Armistice is declared, troops rejoice and Parisians celebrate.

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