THE CANARY HAS DIED-South Africa has been the ”Canary In The Coal Mine”

1 year ago
South Africa is a perfect example of what happens when a free market economy is turned over to Marxists in a tribal culture.

Seven years ago Harry Booyens came on my podcast to warn Americans about the destruction of civil society that he had witnessed in South Africa, and the intentional fanning of racial tensions he saw happen during the Obama Administration.

Harry saw similarities between the Marxist “fundamental transformation of America” policies of Community Organizer Obama and the ANC Leader Mandela who had been key in “the fundamental transformation” of South Africa following the transfer of power from the Apartheid Government of DeKlerk.

Not only had the South African murder and overall crime rate gone through the roof, the coverup and outright censorship of anyone trying to expose the collapse of many free market institutions means that the fake news phenomenon is not just an American problem.

It is a worldwide societal cancer now that Marxists and communists control academia, big tech, most national governments, and all media except a small, but growing, segment of alternative media sites.

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