RichardGage911 Austin Speaking Tour - Details

1 year ago

We have a week of great RichardGage911 events coming right up in Austin April
2 through April 6! Event #1: Independent National Convention 2023 Palmer
Center / Mon-Weds, April 3-5 The major event is the Independent National
Convention 2023 - featuring Tulsi Gabbard and Dennis Kucinich and about a
hundred other speakers, including RichardGage911 representing the 9/11 Truth
Movement to Independent leaders from all over the country. It will be
LIVESTREAMED by INC’23. We are invited as a Panelist on the Duopoly
Disentrenchment & Lawsuits panel to present and discuss a quick overview of
the explosive evidence and legal actions we are taking relative to the
destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. We will be
connecting with powerful political influencers in many different Independent
parties - 100 speakers altogether. This event is huge, and with YOUR help all
of them will be hearing all about 9/11 truth throughout the convention. Learn
More about the Convention: RichardGage911 Evidence Booth: We
urge you to come in-person and join us at the Convention at our 9/11 Evidence
Booth! We have an incredible opportunity here and need your help. This is a
very important crowd to educate. Our teaching and interview activities at the
Evidence Booth will be LIVESTREAMED by local supporter Ron Avery with
mixNstream. We have a thousand RG911 WTC evidence brochures for this event and
will hand out both at the booth and out “on the floor” (more discreetly).
We’ll be handing out flyers encouraging attendees to learn more about the 9/11
evidence at our Dinner/Conference following the convention. You can get a $50
discount on your convention tickets with promo code $50OFFRG911 Event #2: Dinner/Conference: Thursday, April 6, 3pm 9/11 /
Mass Media Cartel / Pandemic Treaty Our 5-hour Dinner Conference where Richard
will be speaking alongside Mark Anderson of “Stop the Presses” will happen at
the Bamboo Garden Chinese Restaurant. We will take it over on the day
following the Independent National Convention. The informal atmosphere and
great manager here at the Bamboo Garden makes for the perfect dining and
presentation opportunity for us with dinner included at the Thursday night
event! During dinner (included in the $40 event fee) I will be speaking on the
explosive World Trade Center destruction on 9/11. This multimedia presentation
will be followed by Mark Anderson, a journalist and American correspondence
for the “UK Column” and the “American Free Press”. He will take-on the media
censorship and propaganda head-first. This event will be LIVESTREAMED by
mixNstream. Learn More about the Dinner Conference:
Event #3: Dinner/Conference: Sunday, April 2, 3PM Parallels: 9/11 & Covid w/
RichardGage911 The local Austin 9/11 Truth group has been meeting regularly at
the most hospitable restaurant in town - the Chinese Bamboo Garden. We will be
presenting there Sunday April 2 and I will be bringing the more recent
research comparing the features of two major Psy-Ops - 9/11 and Covid. Nothing
gives me a greater sense of “Doing My Part” than speaking to open-minded
groups of people. We hope you will bring your friends! So, come and join us
for a great Chinese dinner (not included in the free event on Sunday) and a
great dive into the dark side of our present world order. It must be exposed -
and YOU are called to get more informed and share this info! Join us! Learn
More about this Event: Can’t make it to Austin in
person?! Get the LIVESTREAM remotely at home!

CSID: 708ae086fea14afe

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