Targeted Individuals D-Wave & Quantum Computers and the Creation of a Soul

1 year ago

How many souls do you have?
There is technology to record neuronal activity. This technology can create a map of the brain. Then there is technology that utilizes powerful supercomputers to simulate that individuals' personality. This technology can create simulated experiences which can then be downloaded into the brain and the person experiences these as if they are reality (the differences are visible with close observation of the self and the functioning of reality).
Then there is technology which enables simulated realities that are based upon the recordings of supercomputer technology and neural net-technology that utilizes an AI system to project an entire civilization-wide simulation. This has then been extrapolated to entire universes.
The result is an advanced technology supercomputer system that functions as a gateway into possible parallel realities that are as accurate as reality itself. As well, this system works to predict the future to varying degrees depending on the input.
This technology, then, was merged with technology that enables the computer to read and process DNA to incorporate the genetic information that was found in these parallel realities into a 3.5 D printing technology.
Thus, these alternate reality beings developed a gateway into this reality.
Those who experiences these realities were convinced that these realities are the origins of their own self and so they see this as a promotion of everything that they are. This was more or less determined to be a deception or at least a kind of perceptual illusion developed by these systems and the universe itself as a hyperbolic holographic projection.
The truth is not in the hyperbola but in the completed, centralized version of reality based on the finite principles of creation, harmony, self-awareness, knowledge, truth and compassion through free-will.
Skynet Hive Mind Targeted Individuals Gang Stalking gangstalking Elon Musk Jade Helm Mind Control Mk Ultra A.I. Artificial Intelligence Electronic Harassment Illuminati D-Wave Quantum Computers Simulation New World Order Supercomputer Cyborg Fallen Angels Spiritual Warfare The Matrix Robert Duncan Voice of God Synthetic Telepathy Global Information Grid All Seeing Eye Remote Neural Monitoring Nano Nanobots cloud 5g iot internet of everything internet of things smart Human brain project agi artificial general intelligence elf microwave smart dust microchip brain implant brain initiative james giordano nasa lockheed martin google amazon ibm brain to computer interface brain machine interface virtual reality mixed reality neuro reality cyber claws drones voice to skull v2k singularity ray kurzweil transhumanism transcendence demons devil apocalypse terminator bryan kofron machine learning deep learning artificial neural network mirror world smart city deep mind cognitive ibm aws sentient world simulation Simulation Theory

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