MR. NON-PC - DemonRat Decades Long Dictatorship

1 year ago

This past weekend I was up in Kingston NY (NY is a DemonRat Dictatorship State) for Gerald's Freedom Rally and I couldn't help but to notice all the weak looking and pathetic people almost like zombies.

And it's not just New York State, there's many other states and most large cities that have the one large common trait....they all are ruined by the 3 D's, the DemonRat Decades Long Dictatorship!!!

Look at the different cities that have fallen to the DemonRat Decades Long Dictatorship:
-Gary, Indiana
-Chicago, Illinois
-Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
-Los Angeles, California
-San Francisco, California
-Detroit, Michigan
-Portland, Oregon

The list goes on and's almost endless, but the result is nearly identical in every DemonRat Decades Long Dictatorship is always the same...FAILURE, CRIME, POVERTY, HIGH TAXES, DRUG ADDICTION and every other horrible thing you can imagine!

How do we avoid this crap? Move far outta the cities for sure (if you haven't already!) and even the suburbs too.

Move far into the country, or better yet...plan on leaving the fallen country!!!

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