…cbdc warning?

1 year ago

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cbdc warrning
12.57 target protest
13.45 target drops pride
14.45 target in trouble
16.15 mucury and magnets
17.32 mucury energy
18.29 mucury free energy
19.59 murcury again
23.59 murcury rotating near conduit
26.11 no electric hot water pump
30.16 others stand up
30.39 nothing new under the sun
31.19 old history but true
32.13 pfizor injury you and assist
32.42 rothchild Satanism
33.26 speed camera smoked
34.08 switzerland capitasl of evil
35.06 temples what is the purpose
36.04 water is it all the same
39.47 mark of the beast
41.32 Local Serbian protesters fight back against invading NATO troops
42.16 magnesium sprayed on feet
42.25 magnetic motor
43.25 magnetic vax
43.45 mindfulness clip
44.35 mp dose runner
45.02 will ai take over the elections
49.31 f e fimament and crash
52.40 f e explained
53.41 f e inpossible
54.30 f e level
54.56 f e nasa
55.11 f e hahahahaha

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…cbdc warning?

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