180 Law Firms Colluded with the Chinese Communist Party

1 year ago

05/31/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson: Up to 180 US law firms are on the payroll of the CCP. From the moment they set foot in Communist China, they have compromised themselves. Their job is not to help the Chinese people fight for freedom or protect their human rights but to enrich and strengthen the CCP's power. The lawyers benefited from the CCP and then occupied high positions within the American judicial system, which is deeply concerning.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/31/2023 妮可参加Winn Tucson节目:有多达180家美国律师事务所受雇于中共。他们从踏进中共国的那一刻起就已经妥协了。他们的工作不是帮助中国人民争取自由或保护中国人民的人权,而是增强和巩固中共的权力。他们是中共的受益人,却又在美国司法系统占据高位,这令人深感担忧。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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