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Project Soul Catcher
Everyone (especially T.I.s) should read Dr. Robert Duncan's books! BTW he never claimed to create it, he is just basically THEE GUY who helped put this surveillance system apparatus together for the NSA and DARPA (and the guy who was on Jesse Ventura's show). He became a whistle-blower when he found out the evil purposes they were using this tech. for and he's now being targeted with the very same technology he helped create! The GangStalkers enact these role-play skits with street theater (all set-up FIRST by implanting words or thoughts into your head with V2K voice to skull) and subsequent / pre-choreographed staged events (which are artificial synchronicities or 'coincidences' that seem completely and mathematically improbable!). I've heard other T.I.s claim they experience the same as me. Part of Dr. Robert Duncan's books confirm my suspicions! That many of these skits are tailored to the specific 'religion' of the T.I. This gives a cover-story or 'mask' to hide the whole technology behind the 'paranormal' or 'supernatural.' All for padded - plausible deniability. Here are a couple snippets of Dr. Robert Duncan's book "Project Soul-Catcher." In one chapter 'ANGELS AND DEMONS SCRIPT' it says : "This script is the most popular one used on targets, so it's very important that I elaborate on it in great detail. During rapid fire interrogation techniques, the person is visited by four Fallen Angels or Demons. In summary, if the psychic assassin fails to kill its target, the target is saved by God's angels (usually Michael or Gabriel) which is the perfect script to use on Christian Targeted Individuals. This script plays into all religions, local cultures, mythologies and superstitions. Around 90-95%+ or so of the world's population is religious to some extent, so these techniques are very effective when combined with the V2K Voice of God weapons..." "Religion is the favorite method of manipulation of all the mind-hacking scripts. Using the V2K and Voice of God bio-communications (such as microwave silence signals), most will believe their god of choice is speaking to them, including aliens, angels and demons." Another few scripts were 'ALICE IN WONDERLAND' and 'WIZARD OF OZ'. Here are a few excerpts: "In all interrogation literature, the first few steps is to confuse and disorient the detainee. Likewise, in most of the CIA scripts, their goal is confusion. The ALICE IN WONDERLAND script is aptly named, as it involves, chasing the 'white rabbit.' This is an information warfare tactic to lead the subject down a path of misinformation or information overload." "In George Orwell's '1984' book, they torture the subject until they submit. Then they fill the 'ruling party's' ideas into their heads." "During the script, the mind hackers increase panic, using the beta wave enhancing entrainment to instill panic in the target, to hurry up, the end of the world is near, we're gonna kill you and your family, we are frying your brain, we placed bombs in your car, etc.. Panic is not only used to confuse the target, but to also make the target act irrationally and make bad decisions. People in panic mode can make decisions in greater haste and suggestibility is easier. In this case, the fairytale of the 'White Rabbit' entails its panic for no other reason than to make it to the mad-hatter's tea party.' (i.e. "...Hurry up! I'm late, I'm late!'"). "Under this particular program, they often tell the subject that they've lost their minds and have planted chips in them. The Cheshire Cat says "Alice, you wouldn't be here, unless you were mad (insane)." As the experimentation and script progresses, so does the madness." "This prepares the target to chat with A.L.I.C.E. (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity) and T.A.M.I (Thought And Memory Interface) Chatterboxes, automated A.I. programs described in Chapter 3. The programs are imperfect {and can probably be slightly modified}, but the imperfections can be understood by the subject." "...the Wicked Witch program tries to get the subject to perform 'evil' or 'wicked' deeds." (end quote) {my own thought : this is most likely to set up the target later on by making them feel guilty or ashamed, which will lead them to either out themselves, keep quiet about GangStalking technology or even commit suicide. I can think of things I did in the past (before I knew anything about this), which all seemed 'out of character' for me and I do indeed feel ashamed about them. But now that I know they are capable of influencing behavior and emotions, I'm starting to see that they 'may' have set me up for those things by influencing certain parts of my brain via subliminal suggestions. Then they'd use my poor decision later on, with a 'guilt frequency' as an emotional response to trigger erratic 'thoughts' (planted in your head by them), making you easier prey for their control techniques and V2K Programs - in my case, the Christian program). "White Knight 'talks backwards' trickery : This is one of the more complex tricks technologically that the CIA uses in their Alice in Wonderland Programs. It's meant to confuse the subject, discredit them if they tell anyone and make them believe an 'omnipotent' (all powerful) force exists, so they won't hide any secrets. It's truly an amazing trick, one of their most amazing and difficult to explain. It requires two featured Wireless Mind Hacking Tools : 1. Detection of Sudden Changes of Direction, using radar triangulation. and 2. A.L.I.C.E. (chatterbox program)." "Later in the book, A.L.I.C.E. will be described in more detail, but is essentially a conversation-bot, used to invoke endless conversation with the human subject and can be used to induce an internal conversation that tricks the person into thinking it's their own voice or dialogue." "People have a hard time comprehending that they are just biological computing entities, but this demonstration can convince anyone." "The Wizard of Oz script, later code-named the Kubark Manual (for interrogation), borrows the movie script by character. The cowardly Lion, the Strawman with no brain, the tin-man with no heart and the wicked witch. These characters are acted out in a cybernetic hive-mind, for experimentation and interrogation. The target becomes each character in search of the 'fraud' wizard (of Oz) behind the 'National Security' curtain. Dorothy, we're not in Kansas anymore! In each personality simulations, the target is put through enormous strain. This is a strange twist on the 'good cop / bad cop' interrogation tactic. The strategy is that the subject is more likely to crack and tell their secrets under different emotional states and conditions." "The Tin-Man is a socio-pathic personality with no heart and no care. He was angry at the world. The final stage is the scarecrow with no brain. The typical 'brain-jamming' and 'confusion' tactic during the interrogation. This drawn out script even comes with impish like midget voices on helium, like the lollipop kids." "They even have a special-effect computer simulator - spoofing virus that can make the person look possessed. Additionally, many will look like they're talking to themselves or have a split personality. It is used like all scripts, to confuse the target about the real technology and purposes." ----- A December 13, 1976, Federal Times article, “Microwave Weapons Study by Soviets Cited” described the alleged Russian capability of microwave hearing: "The Defense Intelligence Agency has released a report on heavy Communist research on microwaves, including their use as weapons. Microwaves are used in radar, television and microwave ovens. They can cause disorientation and possibly heart attacks in humans. Another biological effect with possible anti-personnel uses is “microwave hearing.” “Sounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating intracranially (within the head) can be induced by signal modulation at very low average power densities,” the report said. According to the study, Communist work in this area “has great potential for development into a system for disorienting or disrupting the behavior patterns of military or diplomatic personnel."
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