Cute Marmot videos

1 year ago

Marmot facts:-

The marmot's scientific name is the Marmota flaviventris.
This creature was first described by John James Audubon and John Bachman in 1841.
Marmots weigh 3 to 11 pounds. They are typically 13 to 20 inches from head to tail. The tail can be 4 to 8 inches long.
They are yellowish to brown in color with small furry ears and strong claws.
Marmots are short-sighted.
They are most active during the day - especially in the morning and afternoon.
These herbivores eat plants, seeds, grass, and shrubs.
Predators include foxes, coyotes, wolves, badgers, bears, and eagles.
When predators approach, marmots make a high pitched, whistle-like sound to alert others.
Marmots live in harems of 1 male and 2 or 3 females. These harems live in larger groups called colonies.
Males are territorial.
A marmot's territory covers 4 to 7 acres.
They typically live in rocky areas or talus fields in alpine settings.
Sometimes they can be spotted "sunning" on the rocks during the day.
Marmots are active from March to September. The rest of the year they hibernate, but they can wake up mid winter if necessary. Approximately 60% of their life is spent hibernating.
Approximately 80% of a marmot's life is spent underground.

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