15 Amazing Wild Animal Attacks Caught On Camera

1 year ago

15 Amazing Wild Animal Attacks Caught On Camera
In the wild, there are many crazy encounters that occur that one could never imagine. It could be the amazing caracal leaping 12 feet into the air to catch a bird or a Maasai warrior hunting a lion. Whatever it is, you must stay tuned as we count down 15 amazing wild animal attacks caught on camera.

Elephants Vs Lion

Elephants are rarely attacked by lions unless they are malnourished, and even then, there is a significant risk. This elephant is in serious difficulty in this video, with full pride of lions biting and climbing on its back. Where is the herd when you need it? The elephant makes its way towards the water, possibly thinking the lions will abandon the hunt once it’s out in the water. What a strong beast, capable of carrying these lions while they continuously bite it. The lions flee when the elephant enters the water, but the elephant suddenly emerges from the water, which is strange.

It should just stay there, which is exactly what it does in the end. Watch how this mother fends off a pride of lions to protect her baby calf. The lions insist, but the mother doesn’t allow them to get close. However, the elephant doesn’t always win when it fights a pride of lions and this footage of a pride overpowering an elephant is proof. Lion pride is very successful during night attacks like in this clip where they attack a large elephant. It takes hours for lions to bring down an elephant this big.

Snow Leopard Vs Yak

Snow leopards are opportunistic predators who occasionally prey on livestock such as sheep, goats, horses, or young yaks, particularly stragglers left in pastures. Snow leopards have been observed to penetrate a corral and kill many animals in some regions. But Yaks are no walk in the park, and you can see this snow leopard target a baby yak because the adults are much too big. Even when the snow leopard has the baby by the neck, the mother charges the snow leopard to let go. It’s not easy, but after a few seconds, the snow leopard has had enough and runs away. In this next clip, a snow leopard approaches alone yak calf using its incredible concealment.

He's desperate for a kill, and the odds don't get any better than this. But just when it appears everything is going the leopard’s way, the calf's mother appears, ready to fight. Finally, in our last clip, someone comes to this yak’s rescue by scaring off this snow leopard. The Yak was a full-grown adult, and the snow leopard was going to get its breakfast had it not been for the human’s intervention.

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