2089: How Focusing on Mobility Can Help You Build More Muscle, Tips for Building Your Hamstrings, the Best Way to Build Muscle Without a Gym & More (Listener Live Coaching)

1 year ago

Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you love red meat and you want it to be LESS calories eat GRASS-FED. (2:01)
Clothes for athletic/fit guys, State & Liberty. (7:01)
The cultural/societal acceptance of body dysmorphia and extremes today. (13:21)
MerPeople and our fascination with people-watching. (25:01)
Scientists are doing some weird stuff. (29:21)
Justin’s dream pool design. (32:40)
Strange facts with Sal: The world’s biggest caves in the world. (35:53)
Mind Pump’s dream destinations. (37:51)
Billionaire’s spending habits and legacy. (42:00)
The top fighting styles of MMA based on wins. (51:01)
Shout out to @beardthebestyoucanbe. (56:11)
#Listener Live question #1 - Which MAPS program is the best for me if I want to get strong in the big three (Squat, Bench, and Deadlift)? (57:27)
#Listener Live question #2 - Is there going to be a big difference if I don’t complete the 6th workout of MAPS Split each week? (1:07:36)
#Listener Live question #3 – How can I develop my hamstrings? (1:16:15)
#Listener Live question #4 - Any recommendations for exercise routines or programs that I can do when away from a gym for 6 months? (1:21:33)

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Visit Paleo Valley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP15 at checkout for 15% discount**

Improve Your Deadlift with a Single Leg Romanian Deadlift ... - YouTube

Build Your Hamstrings with the Stability Ball Leg Curl - YouTube

Mind Pump #2080: Get Jacked With Bands!

Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube
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People Mentioned
Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram
Jeff Bezos (@JeffBezos) Twitter
NICK CANNON (@nickcannon) Instagram
Amir Zandinejad | Mobility Coach (@beardthebestyoucanbe) Instagram

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