Watercolor Tutorial On How To Paint A Tree

1 year ago

About a week ago, I was practicing with my watercolours, just painting a tree, painting trees with Watercolors is something I admire watching other watercolour artists do and so I practice them as often as I can. I thought I would take a photo of the finished piece and upload it to Instagram as I was quite proud of my effort. One or two people mentioned that they would like to see how I painted the tree and so I thought I would give it ago and if it turned out okay, I'd upload it to the channel.

When I completed the original painting, I completed it in my #Etchr #Sketchbook and I was using a different brand of paints, a brand I must not mention on YouTube. However, the three colors I used on the sketch were already in pans and so I didn't have to mix. This time I thought as I am unable to use the brand of watercolors I used first time round and this is supposed to be a tutorial after all, I thought I should mix my own greens.

I have to be transparent and honest right from the get go here. All the tips and techniques I am displaying in this tutorial are not of my own doing, they are tips and techniques I have picked up from other watercolour artists such as Olive Pyle, Charles Evans, Anne Kerr, Geoff Kersey, Wendy Jelbert and a few others. All watercolor artists I love to watch and learn from, so whilst yes I am painting the tree and mixing the colors, I am using stuff I have learnt from other wonderful artists.

The materials I used in this particular tutorial are Rough Watercolor Paper, 100% Cotton, Daler & Rowney, The Langton Prestige 140lb. The paints are Winsor and Newton, Cobalt Blue, Aureolin, Rose Madder and Ultramarine. If you don't have these specific colors, don't worry, just use similar colors. For the Tree trunk I used Raw Sienna and Burnt Umber. I used a No.8 Round brush, No. 6 Round for the branches and No. 2 Round or smaller for the twigs.

I hope you find this wee video of help or interest to you and I hope that it helps you a bit as well. I genuinely didn't think the video ran as long as it did, I seriously thought it was about ten minutes long or something until I looked at the camcorder time code, so I apologise for the time. Thank you so much for all your support

AMAZON - Langton Prestige Watercolor Paper - https://amzn.to/3qoWdCo

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