Change your diet and transform your child …

1 year ago

Pete and I have been seeing a lot of children for ‘diagnostic’ sessions recently.

Sometimes the child might have nightmares, continues to wet the bed, has skin rashes, been diagnosed with ADHD, is a finicky eater, has demanding or disruptive behaviours.

Other times, the child might have headaches, growing pains at night, allergies or asthma.

Whatever the reason, parents with children find their way to our facilities.

Usually, Pete and I get to the bottom of the reasons why the child is playing up, or always tired, or getting behind at school.

Often, we find that children have a blood sugar level that is way too high, and what’s even more concerning is that some kids already have fatty liver ‘syndrome’ by the time they are 4 years old!

Equally scary is that some teenagers are now medicated for high blood pressure.

Other kids have ADHD and parents are forced to medicate them, otherwise they can’t attend school.

All of the above situations are heartbreaking!

Is there a solution?

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