The FBI Director Shield the Big Violator

1 year ago

05/31/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson: We're deeply concerned about how deep the CCP’s infiltration has gone into the US federal government agencies and Capitol Hill. The RNC big donors like Elliott Broidy and Steve Wynn, and DOJ lawyer, George Higginbotham, cut the secret deal with the CCP to influence the White House and the Department of Justice on behalf of the CCP. Christopher Wray, and Merrick Garland targeted the Chinese students, who are really small compared with the much bigger violation.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/31/2023 妮可做客Winn Tucson:我们非常担心中共渗透美国联邦政府机构及国会山的程度。埃利奥特·布罗伊迪和史蒂芬·永利等共和党全国委员会的大额捐款人及前司法部律师乔治·海根巴瑟姆,与中共达成了秘密协议,代表中共影响白宫和司法部。克里斯托弗·雷和梅里克·加兰盯住了中国学生,而这些学生与真正的犯罪分子相比只是小巫见大巫。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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