2088: Build A Solid Core, Best Lat Building Exercises, High Protein Diets For Longevity, & MORE

1 year ago

Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the BEST categories of supplements for muscle building, fat burning, and overall fitness are adaptogens! (1:50)
Peptides are strong! Proceed with caution. (15:51)
What is going on with Connor Murphy? (24:42)
Crazy hacks found on the internet. (25:26)
There is an individual variance when it comes to the rep range you do the best with. (32:18)
The guy’s 1 rep max for each compound lift. (39:45)
Confidence is sexy. (43:30)
Blue collar jobs are here to stay. (50:06)
The greatest value of home schooling. (54:12)
The top traits people use to judge attractiveness. (59:40)
Shout out to @oma.uk. (1:01:33)
#Quah question #1 - How can I get a solid core? Not banging abs, but a strong engaged core? How do you train to naturally engage them in normal day to day activities to prevent injury? (1:03:03)
#Quah question #2 - What are the best exercises to work the lower lats? Obviously, you cannot target solely the lower part. (1:07:31)
#Quah question #3 - Can you guys please give your opinion on meal prep companies? Do you think they're worth it for someone who's extremely busy? I find myself not really eating much because of work so I wonder if I should invest in these expensive meal prep companies to maintain a good nutritional intake. (1:10:57)
#Quah question #4 - Are high protein diets bad for longevity? (1:15:55)

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People Mentioned
Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram
Connor Murphy (@connormurphyofficial) Instagram
OMA (@oma.uk) Instagram
Eugene Teo (@coacheugeneteo) Instagram
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