Alex Jones: PETA, Animal Liberation Front work for the CIA.

1 year ago

I've been exposing for YEARS - dating back to 2009 - of how PETA and the Animal Liberation Front are CIA front groups, and also about how PETA/ALF are controlled opposition for the meat industry and its many front groups such as the Center for Consumer Freedom.

In fact, if you look deep down the rabbit hole, you will find that PETA and the Center for Consumer Freedom are bought and paid for front groups for the Rockefeller family syndicate.

Years ago, it was revealed that Exelon's Indian Point nuclear facility dumped toxic radioactive waste into the Hudson River and killed millions of fish. Guess who wouldn't protest Exelon killing fish with toxic nuclear waste? PETA. Why? Because the Rockefeller family owns a controlling interest in Exelon, and the Rockefeller Foundation and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors fund PETA.

And guess what else PETA wouldn't protest? The David Rockefeller-owned Stone Barns farm when it killed their prized hog Boris and turned him into ham, pork chops, and bacon.

For what it's worth, the Rockefeller family also fund key figures which have financed the Center for Consumer Freedom, including the Monsanto company.

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