3 stories BASED on REAL events

1 year ago

1 Tragedy in Jonestown (1978): Charismatic religious leader Jim Jones convinced about 900 members of his 'People's Temple' sect in Jonestown, Guyana (South America) to kill themselves and their children in a mass suicide. Most of them were American citizens.
Air Florida plane crash (1982): On January 13, 1982, in Washington, D.C., an Air Florida plane crashed over the Arlington Bridge and into the Potomac River shortly after takeoff. The crash killed 78 people.
Morfeo Building Attack (1984): On October 24, 1983, a military truck crashed into the Morfeo Barracks building in Beirut, Lebanon, where US Marines were stationed. The explosion killed 241 military personnel, including 220 Marines and 21 employees.

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