Will The Rapture Be Pre-Trib?

1 year ago

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In this regular feature, Dave and Tom respond to questions from listeners and readers of The Berean Call. Here’s this week’s question: Dear Dave and TA, I don’t understand how to correspond the pre-trib rapture view with the harvest mentioned in Revelation 14, Verses 14 through 20. In those verses there are two harvests mentioned; one is a harvest by Christ; and the other by an angel that throws the wicked into the winepress of God’s wrath. This verse seems to refer to the separation of the wheat from the tares, and seems to refer to the event we call the rapture. Yet this event seems to happen during the time of the 70th week of Daniel. I have leaned upon the pre-trib rapture view for some time now based on the promise to the church of Philadelphia, and the commanded prayer in Luke that exhorts that we pray always to be counted worthy to escape. What are your thoughts about this?

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