Death From Above

1 year ago

The only "climate change" We the People should be concerned about is the climate change that's being caused by the criminals in Washington D.C. who have, for decades, been spraying the skies above our country [and others] with aluminum, barium, strontium, graphene, and polymer fibers from government aircraft in a geoengineering program they call "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection" (SAI). These nano size particles are not only blocking sunlight from hitting the Earth as it should, which severely disrupts the Web of Life on our planet, these particles are also building up in our soils, in our water supplies, and on plant life, interfering with plant photosynthesis.
Not only that, we are breathing in as many as 20 million aluminum particles in every breath we take now (that's how small nano particles are), which is not only a direct assault on our health and well-being, aluminum, like other metals, is a well-known neurotoxin that reduces our mental cognition, and makes it difficult for people to think clearly. The nano size aluminum dust also builds up on trees in our nation's forest, and because aluminum dust is highly flammable in that form, it can wildfires, like those which we are see occurring more frequently now than in the past.
If you were wanting to attack an enemy without them being aware of what you were doing to them, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) would be exactly how you would do that, because not only does it attack your enemy and his environment clandestinely, it also allows you to attach biological weapons that you might cook-up in your Ukrainian and Chinese bio-labs to the polymer and/or graphene particles in order to make the attack even more efficacious. Maybe you could begin a new pandemic, and use that to further degrade your enemy's ability to fight back.
Does the criminal, illegitimate government that currently lords over us in D.C. view the American People as its enemy? I think the answer to that question ought to be crystal clear to anyone with two brain cells left to rub together. It's especially clear to Americans like me who have been watching what has been going on in this country for the past 61 years. Anyone under the age of 50 has no idea how thoroughly our society has been destroyed by the radical Left, who are nothing more than the "Useful Idiots" of the central bankers who own and/or control this world--the "Thirteen Families," I call them.
In my opinion--if I'm still permitted to express one these days--we American have not had a lawful federal government, operating in accordance with the stated purposes of its own existence, which are clearly set out in the Constitution for the United States of America, since LBJ, a tool of the Thirteen Families, orchestrated the CIA assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 rather than go to prison, which is exactly where he was heading (because of an ongoing Robert F. Kennedy investigation) if he didn't stage his [Leftist] coupe d'état like he did. In doing so, he handed over our country to the central bankers on a silver platter.
American has just been a snowball rolling down the hill towards hell ever since then. That was when the bankers finally managed to get their ugly claws wrapped around the neck of our once great nation.
We were warned this would one day happen when Thomas Jefferson said, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
He was so right! We're almost there, folks.
Also see "Climate Engineering Exposed"

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