Evening Incense by John R. MacDuff - Audiobook

1 year ago

Evening Incense by John R. MacDuff.
Read in English by Kymberli Welch; Bethesda Lily; Jane Dever; Mich_elle; Chris A. Hawkins; Lazlo; Mike T.; Kathleen Moore; Kathrine Engan
This is a small volume of Evening Prayers. Thoughts to think on in the quiet before bedtime; ideas that edify the soul, calm the mind and prepare our bodies and spirits for sleep. Each is not long, but they are edifying and thought provoking. As the author says in the prefact "May He with whom is "the residue of the Spirit," "cause His Angel to fly swiftly" and touch us in the time of our Evening Oblation; and may all that is amiss in thought and word be lost in the fragrant incense-cloud which ascends from the Golden Altar before the Throne!" "And thou shalt make an ALTAR to burn INCENSE upon: "And thou shalt put it ... before the MERCY-SEAT that is over the testimony, where I will meet with thee. "And when Aaron lighteth the lamps at EVEN, he shall burn INCENSE upon it."—Exod. xxx. 1, 6, 8.- Summary by Phil Chenevert and the author

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