Learn how to become a better Straight/Hook ball bowler #138 with the Brooklyn Crusher 5-31-23

1 year ago

Bowled 53 games but the last 3 games I bowled because of the HOUSE bowling challenge that the GREAT Packy Hanrahan (Packy the total dominant bowler of the KOKAMO PBA Championship THE National championship PBA title winner of KOKAMO) did with a 16 pin count game his first Backwards bowling challenge: Packy Hanrahan / the HOUSE PRO-bowlers saw that a backwards bowler for decades bowled his first 300 game. Packy thought that the FIRST Backwards 300 game was so remarkable but really it's a GREAT accomplishment YES but REMARKABLE is hardly the word after decades of bowling backwards it was just a matter of time to happen. Packy at 27 years old had bowled MANY 300 games, that it self IS by far way BETTER then a one time EVER backwards bowler for decades did. what about the UFO or Tornado ball an Asian bowled in the US open last year! in 2022 (The UFO ball is a spinning like a top straight ball into the head pin) in Asia if you don't throw the ball UFO style you arnt NO body accept an American that is. the people in Asia would think your ether an American or a weirdo (not much different there heheheHA!) well anyhow I wrote under comments that Packy Hanrahan must have been dropped on his head because him #1 saying he thought he could NOT bowl ( a PBA title winner saying that) & #2. he got 16 pins in his whole first game of backwards bowling that he never looked where he was throwing the ball then delayed saw where the ball went. Packy was doomed from the first ball on. Packy throw all his bowling knowledge out the window on his first ball & the rest of that game. this is why I used the PUN = just joking he was dropped on his head at a vary young age. he's the PRO-bowler with a PBA title NOT me. Packy PROVED he knows bowling better then EVERY non pro-bowler & every bowler who DON'T have a National championship PBA title winner, lots of pro-bowlers DO NOT HAVE a National championship PBA title winner. have they ALL been dropped on there heads at a young age or what? its a PUN Packy a PUN. NOTHING at all serious at ALL! Packy Hanrahan is one of my FAVORITE bowlers. THE house bowling team or Pro-bowlers are ALL great but Packy does a lot of FUN & interesting things I enjoy watching on youtube. It was meant as a PUN PACKY a PUN! just like on this video I say "read my lips Packy & give him the bird heheheheHA! it's a PUN Packy! get over it. I like Packy! I have ZERO hate for Packy. a lot of jealousy maybe BUT ZERO hate! Packy has accomplished way more then I have in my 65 years this June 19 2023. Packy's only 27 years old too. SuperPackyMan! at 27 years young too!

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