Who would ultimately gain from your inability to protect you??

1 year ago

They’re not protecting you from me, or “Them” from “us”… they are manipulating and using terroristic methods and language. So that your sense of fear. Overrides your sense of logic, and self preservation.
Look around the world on your own time. Who are the ones who ultimately suffer..from the scam of “government protection”? It’s not the politicians and the ruling class. They just sit back and watch as their “own people” kill one another …. And also partake in the murder…. If anyone dares to get too loud about what’s being done TO them, by THOSE. who promised to keep them “safe”.
It’s all bullshit. These people don’t care about you, me, or any other living person on this earth.
They only care about what gives them the largest amount of power, influence and money.
Don’t be a sucka… stand up and remind them of who TF we are.
Molon Labe

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