Parasha Yitro (Exodus 18:1–20:23) 2-12-17

1 year ago

Feb 12, 2017: Yitro is one of two Torah portions named for a non-Jew (along with Noach). Many non-Jews are portrayed positively in the Torah. First expression of “Baruch HaShem” is by Yitro, a goy. The father of Jewish judiciary is a Midianite priest.

* Yitro is one of two Torah portions named for a non-Jew (along with Noach). Many non-Jews are portrayed positively in the Torah. First expression of "Baruch HaShem" is by Yitro, a goy. The father of Jewish judiciary is a Midianite priest.

* Why do we have parasha Yitro following the warning against Amalek? Lest Jews think all non-Jews are enemies.

* God says Jews will be precious to him as long as they keep His covenant. If not, no?

* How important is faith in Judaism? Some Orthodox rabbis I've known are atheists:

YNET: "Most of them are still there because they love community life</a>, their friends, the Kiddush after the Shabbat morning prayer. Most of them are 40 and 50 years old – not exactly an easy age to start a 'cultural emigration.' Moreover, and that's a very important parameter, most of them make a living off the profession, and their livelihood depends on their faith, even if just outwardly."

John Updike wrote in his novel SEEK MY FACE: "Or perhaps, if she is Jewish, she is unable to put the question of God quite the way a Christian would put it, in urgent terms of either/or. For the chosen people, the relation has evolved beyond the possibility of dropped acquaintance into that of a familiarity that breeds contempt..."

* Why does God introduce Himself in the Ten Commandments by saying I am the God who brought you out of Egypt, rather than I am the God who created Heaven and Earth? This is an ethno-nationalist God who has a particular relationship with a particular people.

* "I am God" is for the intellectuals, "who brought you out of Egypt" is for the people. (Ibn Ezra)

* Why were the 10 Commandments not given in Israel? To stress their universal applicability.

* Why did you have to avoid women (meaning, your wife) for three days prior to the revelation?

* The Sabbath commandment also includes the injunction to work six days a week.

* When God spoke to man, He spoke Hebrew.

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