January 6th Judicial persecution. Is an injustice to us all.

1 year ago

Whether you love or hate J6 defendants. The rule of law, fairness, and appropriate punishment for crimes. Should be expected and demanded by all.

“Then they came for me”
It won’t always be “Us”.. eventually it WILL be you.
They are ridding themselves of those, who WOULD stand and speak for all. Because a weakened and timid population.
Are the easiest to control.
Why else would they politically and judicially ABUSE these people. Many of whom, served OUR country, to PROTECT your rights. To be a f’ing asshole freely.
We all stand together. Or we’re all taken out one at a time. Beginning with the strongest, bravest, and smartest first.
Stand TF up for yourself, even if it is speaking up for someone that you ideologically hate.

Link to source below.
Very good conversation, you should treat yoself and watch the entire conversation.

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