The Story of Indian Head Massage

1 year ago

👉 Indian Head Massage. Would you like to know the story?

👉 Once, long ago, in the early 70's. A man from India, came to the shores of England. He was there to practice as a physical therapist. His name is Narendra Mehta. He came to England and noticed that no one was performing any head massage. It was as if everyone had forgotten that the head wasn't attached to the body because no one was focusing on it. Nobody thought that it too, like the rest of the body, needed to be massaged. The head, after all, is the most important part of the body. Without it, well, we are nothing.

👉 Since the head pretty much controls everything. Doesn't it deserve a massage?

👉 What makes this story even more interesting, is that Narendra Mehta was a blind man. Nevertheless, he had grown up in a village in India where Head Massage was as common as breathing. Everyone did it, to babies even. And they never let up till, well, let's say our time on earth is done. So what did he do?

👉 Well, follow me and I shall let you know the rest of the story.

👉 Hi! I'm Alice. And I perform the oldest Indian Head Massage technique based on the principles of Ayurveda.

👉 I speak English & Scandinavian language. I come to your home or office in Porto, Gaia, Leca da Palmeira and surrounding areas.

👉 👉 Book your appointment here:
Mob: +351 91 380 47 05
Instagram: alicekristensen_1/
Facebook: ihmportugal/
Youtube: @IHMassage
Linktree: ihmportugal
Rumble: IHM Portugal

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