1 year ago

In this video, Dr Buttar talks about a coming “second wave” of the scamdemic that he says will be triggered by signals transmitted via 5G.

Human nerve and muscle cells are highly electrical by means of calcium ions and Dr Buttar says that the millimeter waves transmitted by 5G cause disruption in our cells’ voltage-gated calcium channels, causing a permeability to many different pathogens, especially enveloped viruses, like coronaviruses.
Dr Buttar, who was a retired Major in the US Army who served in the 5th Special Forces group and in the 101st Airborne Division said he had confirmation from two different sources that the vaxxines contain a payload of “Some type of pathogen that will be activated by a sequence of 5G bursts and these will be of the 16 to 18 GHz frequency and it will be essentially three bursts that will be sequential and last about a minute and those bursts will actually create a signal that will release this payload that is within the hydrogel component of the vaxxines.”

He said he’d heard there were three pathogens and he didn’t know what they all were but one was the Marburg virus, which is a hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola with an 88% mortality rate. He said that once these three 18 GHz bursts are broadcasted:

“When that happens, then everyone that’s had the vaxxine and these boosters will have this Marburg virus released…When it’s inside your body, already-introduced and released, it’s probably going to be 100% mortality rate, meaning that everybody that has it, it’s going to be triggered and it’s going to be released.

“And when that happens, yes, obviously, these people are going to die. So, we’re talking, not hundreds of thousands, we’re talking millions and millions of people worldwide; they’re going to have this effect.”
The mass death from the Marburg epidemic, in turn will be the false flag to activate the World Health Organization and the CDC to impose martial law and to kick the New World Order into the next level, by scaring and forcing more people to get vaxxinated.

Dr Buttar said millions of people would be dying due to the 16 GHz-activated Death Shot and their deaths would be used to justify forcing more people to get the Death Shot.
We can see the WHO relentlessly moving to usurp the sovereignty of all the world’s governments with the latest amendments to the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Treaty and their constant references to “the next pandemic”. The scenario Dr Buttar describes would be perfect for the WHO achieve its desired goal.
He believed that those who are unvaxxed, with intact immune systems should be safe from this 5G event, as long as they can resist being force-vaxxed.

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