Healing music of water, soothe and relax you. Music for meditation and sleep.

1 year ago

#becomepartofnature #relaxingmusic #musicforthesoul #soundsofnature #healingmusic
Relaxing music with the murmur of water will calm your nerves, help you fall asleep quickly and bring back your good mood! Plunge into the water gift of nature, feel the coolness from the waterfall and the life-giving power of the spring.
Meditate, sleep and just relax with this music and other compositions presented on my channel:
"Relaxing music with mountain view. Calms the nerves, heals the body and soul. Helps to sleep." https://youtu.be/9H8zyicgMAc
"Calming forest music. Music for meditation, sleep and good mood!" https://youtu.be/drZTf3conbI
Thank you all for your feedback, likes and subscriptions! I wish you good health, good mood and sweet sleep!

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