USCCA - Shot Show 2023

1 year ago

⚜️This is a quick clip of me at this year’s amazing Shot Show @shotshow at the USCCA booth! I want to share with you guys what membership with the U.S. Concealed Carry Association @uscca brings. They provide insurance for any legal fallout that may come if you ever discharge your firearm as well as invaluable in-person training, and much more.

Discover how the U.S. Concealed Carry Association helps responsible gun owners like you at 🔗

Also, join our growing Protector Nation community at 🔗 (👆 Link-in-Bio) and help make the world a safer place by making good people more dangerous.

Protector by nature and by trade

🎥 Video editing by @art_production07

For more visit
IG Go follow @executive_protection_lifestyle @eps_league @byron_rodgers
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