The antichrist will be the worst dictator in the tribulation period

1 year ago

The antichrist is ready to take over the entire world!! Oh he and all his wicked followers are behind the scenes and they are pushing the one world government very hard now, the vaccine is the mark of the beast and stupid people who got it belong to Satan forever, they are cursed by God and will be in the lake of fire forever!! Sane with all the wicked people, the rich will hide in their bunkers but will not hide from God, nope all the sodomites the gays lesbians and trans, sex offenders, rapists, murderers, abusers, self righteous religious crowd, adulterers, those who love idols like Catholics do, those who blaspheme God the Holy Spirit, the bible, Jesus, heaven, abortion murderers, false prophets, rich people who love money, those who love magic art's, yoga, ghost hunting, Ouija boards, atheists, those who love themselves, liar's, those who hate God, mockers and scoffers, everyone who hates God will be at the great white throne judgement and will see Jesus coming back with all His angels and those who got raptured and they will moarn and cry, Jesus will use His sword and kill all those who worshipped the antichrist and got the vaccines they will be killed and will be in the lake of fire and birds of prey will eat their rotten bodies, Jesus will rule for thousands years on earth with a iron fist, but first comes the rapture and reserved for true believers only, wicked and so called lukewarm pastors and church members will not be taken, then the 7 year tribulation will begin, the antichrist will rule for 7 years and God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world, the wicked will all be punished and suffer God anger and wrath!! God has had enough and the great tribulation will be hell on earth!!!

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