X22 REPORT Ep. 3083b - [DS] Caught Committing Treason, Trump Sends A Message, Get Ready To Celebrate

1 year ago

X22 REPORT Political/GeoPolitical News Ep. 3083b - May 31, 2023
[DS] Has Been Caught Committing Treason, Trump Sends A Message, Get Ready To Celebrate

The [DS] is panicking. The FBI has decided to allow Comer to see the FD 1023. Biden has become a liability and the [DS] is now in the process of removing him. Trump caught them all, they are treasonous to this country and each election year he has shown how they interfered in the election. Trump sent a message that there will be a 250 years celebration in 2025 signaling that the plan is going as planned.

All source links to the report can be found on the www.x22report.com site.

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