I’m on my way to Presa de Bao

1 year ago

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This is the last video in the series. It’s a bit lengthy but there were so many different roads I took to end up at the lake and they all had some exceptional scenes. Even though the camera can never match being there I’m sure those viewing the video can imagen the scope of some of these views. Once at the lake I just had enough time to do a quick pan of the shoreline and venture to the tip of the lake. From there I had to begin heading back to perhaps the best area of the entire country. The area that surrounds Cabrera, the place we call home. So, there you have it, in three days I went from a scorching desert to almost 8000 feet above sea level. Temperatures went from 102 degrees to the low 40’s. The scenery changed from ocean to lake country and from cactus to northern pine. After viewing the series anyone who still feels that this is not one of the most diverse environments on the planet, should perhaps get off the couch and experience it firsthand for themselves. Until the next adventure this is Barry in DR.

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Hash Tags:
#travel, #presadebao, #presadetavera, #lavegaprovice, #santiagoprovince, #mountains, #breathtakingviews, #narrowroads, #highaltitudes, #dirtroads, #barryindr, #rd, #dr, #caribbeanisland, #caribbeanlifestyle, #tropical, #island, #tropicalisland, #dominicanrepublic, #cabrerard

Artist: Audionautix, Title: Straighty Baby http://audionautix.com
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