Why Do CEO's Only Make $1 A Year?

1 year ago

All you need to know about why CEO's make a dollar a year

Tldr; to show their care and passion for the company. They are already rich :)

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⭐️ About Me ⭐️
My name is Muhammad Rayyan Siddiqui. A big F1, MMA and self improvement junkie who happens to love programming. Follow my journey as I try to figure out what life is all about.

--- Some of the stuff I have done ----
Joined Microsoft at 16
Started university at 15
Graduated high school at 14
World Youngest Certified Android App Developer
Youngest Udacity Graduate
2017's Most Inspiring Personality of Pakistan
Youngest Shaw Academy diploma holder

📣 Wanna talk 1:1? Hop on a call with me: https://muhammadrayyan.setmore.com/muhammadrayyansiddiqui

#business #ceo #money

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