Clip 54 - What Is The Trinity? It's Impossible To Understand In 3D.

1 year ago

The #trinity has been a #Bible concept that has baffled scholars and laymen alike for millennia.

In this clip we discuss the trinity and try to understand it from a normal persons point of view. And when I say normal person, I mean myself. I’m trying to rationalize it and understand the trinity myself.

We all have thoughts and ideas about what the trinity is and how it works, but rarely do we ever get to sit down and try to discuss this concept with other like minded people. Kamron explains a few ideas about the trinity that have been dubbed heresy by the church over the years, and I was curious to see if my ideas made the naughty list. Luckily I think I’m ok ;)

Listen along and let us know what your thoughts are on the Trinity and how you understand it.

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