089: Fred Baker of Counting Coup Tactical on Vetting Your Instructor

1 year ago

It may be a brutal reality, but the moment you step out, sit down, or take a break, you'll start falling behind. This has been the state that individuals live by in Special Operations, cutting edge Industry, and those kinds of pursuits that require aspiration. Never being allowed to rest on your achievements may sound like a truly frustrating way to live, but when it comes to life-and-death stakes, that's just the way of it, and we can't really get away from it.

In this discussion, we also address what steps individuals can take to vet an instructor. We all started somewhere, some of us with terrible experiences, or with bad habits that took years to smooth out.

Glory in Battle. The Death of the Anti-Hero, and here we are at.

Enjoy the conversation.

Follow Fred on Instagram at @counting_coup_tactical

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