The Fertility Crisis Is Worse Than We Thought

1 year ago

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00:00 ACTIONABLE STEP: Check your balls
14:08 ACTIONABLE STEP: Take a trip into the mountains
17:20 Part 1: This Is Our New Mission
24:15 ACTIONABLE STEP: 21 things you need to avoid for healthy sperm
39:32 Part 2: Overview Of The Fertility Crisis
41:07 ACTIONABLE STEP: Stand up
42:58 Part 4 - This Could Be The Genuine End of Humanity.
1:04:16 Part 5 - The 4 Endocrine Disruptors Effecting Your Fertility
1:16:44 ACTIONABLE STEP: Never keep your phone in your pocket!
1:31:32 ACTIONABLE STEP: Go for a walk without your phone
1:33:02 Part 6 - The 3 Lifestyle Factors Effecting Men’s Fertility
1:55:04 ACTIONABLE STEP: Recap what you've learnt so far
1:55:50 Our Mission.
2:28:10 Conclusion

21 Questionnaire:
1. Do you ever keep your phone in your pocket? (yes/no)
2. Do you keep wifi and cell service and 5 or 4g on (yes/no)
3. How about your laptop or computer - do you use wifi? (Yes/no)
4. Do you wear a smart watch for more than 1 hour a day? (yes/no)
5. Do you have wifi and cell service enabled on that smart watch? (yes/no)
6. Do you drink tap water (yes/no)
7. Do you frequently touch plastics (yes/no)
8. Do you frequently drink or eat out of plastics (plastic waterbottles, meal prep, plastic packaging) (yes/no)
9. Do you smoke (yes/no)
10. Do you drink alcohol (yes/no)
11. Do you use deodorant or perfume or aftershave (yes/no)
12. Do you sit next to women or men who wear fragrances (yes/no)
13. Do you kiss women who wear makeup (yes/no)
14. Do you use any product to style your hair? (yes/no)
15. Do you use normal toothpaste (yes/no)
16. Do you use normal shampoo, body wash (yes/no)
17. Do you wear normal clothes that you haven’t checked the material in - Polyester gym style clothing (yes/no)
18. Do you sit down for more than 4 hours a day? (yes/no)
19. Do you take hot showers or baths or sauna (yes/no)
20. Are you fat (yes/no)
21. Are you underweight (yes/no)

Tally score out of 21, goal is a score of 0

Huberman on phone radiation destroying sperm:

Nutrition lecture that changed my diet forever:

Organic / 100% cotton clothes I wear:

Organic stuff like deodorants, soap, toothpaste:

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