The Garden Tower SPACE SAVER! (Prep'n with Matt)

1 year ago

HAGMANN COFFEE FUNDS, VETS 4 CHILD RESCUE & SHATTEROPS! Use this link to support the rescue of humans, children, boys/girls, women and yes, even men! (You’ll get the BEST coffee EVER!) True Story!

Learn what Craig “Sawman” Sawyer’s organization does here

Find out how Russ Dizdar’s legacy live on though his team here

Use the comment section regarding the tee shirts…. IF YOU WANT A HAGMANN P.I. SHIRT, TELL US ABOUT IT!

Remember, the “Garden Tower 2” can be a great piece if you are in a serious “space crisis” at your residence or physically can’t garden in your yard. If live in a condo or apartment and can only utilize deck or patio space this setup is perfect for you. This is a perfect option to grow your own food with limited space. As I demonstrated it’s super easy to use and maintain.

Garden Tower 2 with Casters Link

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