how to prevent radiations from phone

1 year ago

Now more than ever, we find it impossible to imagine going a day without carrying our phone with us. All of us are dependent on our smartphones. The majority of us check our phones for messages, notifications, and calls as soon as we get out of bed, whether or not they are important or not. Mobile phones have undoubtedly made life much simpler, from sharing photos to Face Timing family and friends to reading the latest news and weather prediction to ordering nearly everything online.

Electromagnetic radiation from smartphones is recognized to be dangerous. Although there isn't any conclusive data to support this, various research have been done that suggest that these radiations are carcinogenic. This indicates that using smartphones and other smart devices over an extended period of time can cause cancer or brain tumors. Additionally, studies show that neurological diseases may be brought on by the electromagnetic radiation that mobile phones emit.
it does sounds like a problem but here is the answer:
anti-radiation chips for mobile devices.

get yours here

protect yourself from radiations- prevent cancer risks from reaching to your family, pregnant woman and kids .

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