Anti-Loosh Video Number 160. LOOSH is real and bad. Explained below and watch the video

1 year ago

EXPLANATION: if you clap your hands in front of the stairs of Chichen Izra, hyou can hear the echo that sounds like a Quetzal bird. These builders had excellent knowledge of waves and frequencies. The shape of the pyramid exactly reproduces the sound of the local bird that represented to these builders higher consciousness - the Quetzal which is a feathered serpent that connects the earth with the sky.
Loosh is a real "thing" and it is best described as the negative energy that the deep state feeds on and gets stronger on by human beings generating negativity in the form of anger, hatred, jealousy, depression, sadness, lack of self confidence, disbelieving in themselves, in short, any emotion that displays the worst of what we all can be.

The solution is the opposite - to create or demonstrate love, kindness, generosity, happiness, etc.. It can be created by all that is positive and the most important factor being gratitude and being thankful for the blessings we all have in our lives.

God is great and we should reflect that in our thoughts and deeds.

To help you combat the negativity we all experience, I have a few videos I will post that hopefully will bring a smile or tear to your eye and the thing you can do is pass these videos on to others so we can raise the vibrations of all of us and stop feeding the deep state the loosh that they crave.

Enjoy, smile, be happy and grateful for the blessings we all have in our lives that we take for granted.

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