Be a BadAss Millionaire with Michael McClean - Key Marketing and Positioning Lessons for Advisors.

1 year ago

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Michael and Stephen discussed their backgrounds in entrepreneurship and marketing, with Michael emphasizing the importance of targeting a specific audience and building a business around personal sovereignty. They also touched on the fear of offending others and the need for attention and entertainment in today's market.
Michael and Stephen discussed the importance of cutting through the clutter in the attention industry by speaking directly to the audience and doing the exact opposite of what others are doing. They also talked about the influence of Gary Halbert, a legendary copywriter known for his idiosyncratic newsletter and personal ads.
Michael and Stephen discussed their experiences in entrepreneurship and how direct response marketing principles can be applied to different industries. Michael's 10-year-old daughter also demonstrated her entrepreneurial skills by starting a dog walking company using direct mail campaigns.
Stephen and Michael discussed the opportunities for entrepreneurship in the current era, citing examples of their children's successful ventures. They also compared the skill-building approach of the Girl Scouts to that of the Boy Scouts.
Stephen and Michael discussed the importance of having a mindset of playing offense and swinging for the fences in business. They also talked about the reluctance of some professionals, particularly financial advisors, to differentiate themselves and lead with their positioning instead of their products.
Michael and Stephen discussed how big companies enforce conformity and mediocrity, and how successful entrepreneurs like Michael's father did the opposite of what the majority was doing. Michael shared his experience of starting with 500 postcards and eventually mailing 140,000 copies a month, while Stephen talked about how big companies are teaching mediocrity and only care about the norm, not the top 1%.
Stephen and Michael discussed their experiences with compliance concerns in big companies and how they focused on their own game to make sales. They also shared stories of successful marketing strategies that resulted in a high number of referrals.
Michael and Stephen discussed the importance of believing in and selling products that one truly believes in, as well as the need for effective marketing techniques and seeking out mentors. They also shared stories of successful individuals who worked hard and sought out guidance to achieve their goals.
Stephen and Michael discussed a successful businessman who wrote 15 handwritten thank you cards to people who impacted his business, and how this simple act contributed to his success. Stephen shared a similar idea with an advisor, but the advisor never followed through with it.
Stephen Screenshared
Michael and Stephen discussed the importance of sales and offline marketing in business. They also talked about the value of physical books and the need for persistent follow-up with leads.
Michael and Stephen discussed the importance of being a proud and omnipresent salesperson, sharing their own experiences of giving away their books and t-shirts to potential clients without any obligation. Michael also shared how he wants to set an example for his daughter by showing her the path to freedom and personal sovereignty through entrepreneurship.

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