Spiritual Warfare & The New W0rld 0rder Secret Doctrine

1 year ago

Shalom, We pray all is well. This is a re-post. They deleted the original version of this video we posted. We created this video a while back and we knew it would be a serious challenge to upload it here on YouTube and we were absolutely right. So what you are seeing is a double edited version of this video that we modified to comply as much as possible with all of YouTube's new w0rld 0rder gestapo guidelines.

We really have much more freedom to post true and vital information on our Patreon page and on our website. We just released what we feel is our most important and powerful presentation to date, “It Has a Face 3”. For all those who are feeling cornered by this encroaching tyranny, we think this message is very important. We are in some critical times, so my wife and I and our small family assembly, are truly seeking the Father and he has been guiding us to make major moves and to start taking action on a higher level. We pray everyone is getting their spiritual and physical house in order because the enemy means business in these last days. He knows his time is short. If the luciferican elite are willing to work so hard and diligently sacrificing for their gods, who aren’t even real gods, how much more should we be motivated and inspired to serve our Heavenly Father, who is the Most High creator of the universe. It is time to come to terms with the fact that true disciples of Yahshua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ, should have irreconcilable differences between us and this world system. We must admit that we live in a very satanic environment and if we don’t want our children to be products of their environment, we must take them out of it and live separate, set-apart, holy.

Hopefully, Most High willing, my wife and I, and our small assembly, will only be interacting with this dying culture, when we are out witnessing, spreading the word of God and sharing the gospel. We truly want to help as many as individuals and families to come out of her and live as set-apart as possible.

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