Pro-Voting machine advocates take note: DOMINION HAS ISSUES EVERYWHERE and Louisiana is not exempt!!

1 year ago

This is a short compilation video (24:35) depicting the fact that Dominion voting systems have serious security vulnerabilities.

The first video clip is testimony by Dr. Eric Coomer, then Dominion VP, before a Pilot Election Review Committee in Colorado in 2015. Dr. Coomer describes how a voter may vote by logging in through an e-mail and then either submit the vote online or print and return the ballot by fax or in person. The full video is available at

The second clip was filmed in 2016 by Sharon Meroni with Dr. Eric Coomer, was asked if it was possible to bypass election systems software and go directly to the data tables that manage systems running elections in Illinois. His response was, “Yes, if they have access.” The original video and more information is available at

The third segment is a zoom call between Dr. Douglas Frank and members of Audit the Vote PA. This video originally appeared on Dr. Frank's telegram channel.

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