Classical liberalism, Modern Conservatism, Traditional Conservatism

1 year ago

easy to implement small government fix to megacorporations and megamillionaires or bigger dominating small businesses
and a little point at john gray, a post-liberal, I've got a bone to pick with post-liberals, and I'm not fully against traditional conservatism entirely, or modern conservatism, except for free trade with the 3rd world and inequality before the law, but the rest and majority of liberalism I can get behind, might try to synthesize a list of things I agree with and how you can practice a mishmash of all 3 variations of political thought
also forgot to mention why marx was for destroying the working class of developed countries, well, tldr he thought it'd lead to a communist revolution, and nothing that makes workers lives more comfortable under the current system is good in his eyes
tldrtldr: "marx didn't want solutions to worker's woes, he wanted communism"

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