John Perkins: "China's Economic Hit Men Have Just Begun!"

1 year ago

Author of the updated "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - China's EHM
Strategy" - LIVESTREAMED Sunday 4/16/23 at 12pm Pacific John Perkins, former
Economic Hit Man, spoke at our 9/11 Truth Conference in New York many years
ago and stunned the audience with his experiences and insights about the post
9/11 world. He asks: How can we stop the unrelenting metastasizing of the
cancer from the economic hit man strategy around the globe—particularly now
with China’s own brand of it? And what is their strategy? Today he reveals the
riveting third edition of his New York Times bestseller and blows the whistle
on China’s economic hit man (EHM) strategy, exposes corruption on an
international scale, and offers much-needed solutions for curing the
degenerative Death Economy. He’ll give us an insider view into the corrupt
system that he helped to create, which cheats and strong-arms countries around
the globe out of trillions of dollars and ultimately causes staggering income
inequality and ecological devastation. EHMs are highly paid professionals who
use development loans to saddle countries with huge debts and force them to
serve US interests. Now, a new EHM wave is infecting the world, and at the
peak of the devastation sits China, a newly dominant economic power, with its
own insidious version of the US EHM blueprint. His updated book has twelve
explosive new chapters that detail the allure, exploitation, and wreckage of
China’s EHM strategy in Latin America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and
Europe. John points out: “If allowed to continue its rampage, the EHM
strategy—whether executed by the United States or China—will have dire
consequences to our world.” But, he also offers a plan for transforming this
system that places “profits above all” into a Life Economy that restores the
earth. He inspires readers to take actions toward a new era of global
cooperation that can the United States’ and China’s EHM strategies for good.
Learn more about John Perkins: Learn
more about RichardGage911:

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