How/Why Godless Marxists are 'taking over' the Western World. Intelligent people only.

1 year ago

Seems nuts, but please Read Carefully (trying to say a lot in a short space) after listening to the video a time or 2 (WATCH VIDEO FIRST One or twice or so): So (read this After watching [or it won't make sense\) -to > WW3 - ('Neutron B' style) Are European Capital cities to be laid waste - ???Who??? is behind the Marxist-Woke movement? The Usual suspect/s. Dire situation ahead (seems the NWO want Putin to destroy Major Cities in the Western World in "retaliation to ramped-up provocation" (China asked to deal with Aus, NZ, Tkyo, etc?), so a limited retaliation will be done to Major Russian cities via (((controlled))) Sniffer Joe & the cross-dressing chimps (also biggest cities in US/Canada [those who object to gayTurdeu?] to be walloped? [Revelations; Jerusalem instead?]) ....So a change of recorded History can be made later (Hundreds of years of planning ahead) But the Future is still possible. We have God-given inventions, but they will not come to fruition if the world is 'Pod'-based (after cities'R'nuked) & information (History) is controlled & edited by Clown-Schwab/Soros types. Pick a side & do something. Oh, also please support RattlesnakeTV I was asked to share. 100% Jesus the Nazarene is the Christ helping Wisdom. Oh, India; you are likely the next 'big' thing after China is [Method]-Kissinger'd (as the USA was the next big thing after the British Empire [Industrial Revolution]). Work makes Nations rich enough to be stripped of assets.

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