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Rise in AutoImmunity; Connections to Covid Jabs; Solutions from a naturopathic perspective!
There are so many products available for detoxification, renewal and regeneration, depending on what we need. With the onslaught of challenges of the past dozen years (and especially the past few) – regular supplements, nutrients, lifestyle choices are so important for the human race – to help us live a healthier, happier and energetic life! So much can be done to improve our lives 😊
For a start I strongly believe in detoxification, modifying lifestyle choices to allow our bodies to heal. We are not what we eat, we are what we absorb – and absorption is a major issue on the planet as we breathe, drink, smell see millions of toxins daily.
I’ve been a naturopath and kinesiologist for over 28 years. There’s nothing I haven’t treated successfully – body, mind and soul.
As a naturopath I’ve been doing live blood screening for many years; bioresonance (it’s possible to get your own – see below!) as well as kinesiology. The planet has increased levels of satellites, 4G, 5G, smart devices, smart cities – our bodies are having to deal with an amazing amount of toxicity, GMO’s, drugs, pollution, vaxxine toxins, air pollution, sky pollution/geoengineering... What a crazy time we’ve had! I’m usually between 3-6 weeks booked out – I’m happy to refer to other wonderful practitioners and support with supplements if that helps!
0417 643 849 / 07 3348 6098
Blessings & Fabulous Health, Madonna
My Podcast is available on Audioboom, Rumble & Bitchute:
“The Natural Alternative with Madonna Guy”
My Facebook Page is Madonna Guy at New Leaf Natural Therapies
My Facebook Groups are:
- New Leaf Natural Therapies
- Awesome Energy Healers (especially for anyone thinking they may learn some kinesiology at any stage! My next 7 week online Kinesiology Foundations starts August 2023 – and my Signature System which teaches people to have a professional kinesiology protocol in 6 months starts January 2024– that’s s a 15 month training programme) – shoot me an email to be on my mailing list for training….
- The Brain Centre at New Leaf Natural Therapies
- Kickstarting Kinesiology (free online informational sessions several times yearly)
- Kinesiology Foundations – paid facebook group with many hours of training videos to learn how-to do kinesiology foundational techniques – online and face-to-face!
My YouTube Channel is: New Leaf Health Team
My Twitter is: Madonna Guy at New Leaf Natural Therapies@NewLeafTweets
Redox Signalling Molecules / ASEA / Renu28:
Cerule / Stem Enhance / Marine Collagen / PlasmaFlo:
AO Scan / Solex Home BioResonance Device
Cost for Handheld Device(Hardware): US$999
Cost per month to access over 120,000 frequencies online: US$150 – no limit to number of scans you can do!
The type of supplements that I use regularly are:
Absorption Issues: if we’re challenged with absorbing our nutrients, food, water, supplements, it may be that the cellular membranes, gut, detox organs are ‘clogged’ up with toxins. One estimate suggested that in one day we breathe in more pollutants and chemicals than our grandfathers did in their entire lifetime! I suspect that’s why we often look at the elderly who seem to be getting away with smoking, drinking, poor diets etc – they have less build up and residue than younger people. Our water supplies are filled with toxins and chemicals – and even when ‘purified’ there’s residue of drugs and other pollutants. My favourite supplements to ‘clean up’ cell membrane activity:
- ASEA redox signalling molecules and Renu28 gel (allows every cell to renew, regenerate and detoxify) – this does more than just about any supplement (which it’s not) I have ever found. It is literally identical to the molecules our cells don’t have when we are struggling with any health issue. It is native to the body – there are no side effects.
- Sulforaphane products – my favourites are BrocOn and SulforaClear
- Fully purified zeolites (see below)
- Fully purified omega 3’s
Auto-Immune Issues. There are 3 components to auto-immune issues that need support; gut inflammation; immune dysfunction and environmental toxicity. By reducing toxicity and inflammation and regulating our immune system we can reverse auto-immune conditions. Five years ago there were over 120 documented auto-immune diseases – from a naturopathic perspective when you look at this criteria, how many diseases are linked to these conditions.
Breathing Issues: many ingredients in the vaccines are causing clotting and rouleaux in the blood, therefore oxygen isn’t making it around the body. Add 5G/4G/smart devices etc and our lungs and blood have many challenges. N Acetyl Cysteine (600-2000mg daily), REDOX signalling molecules (60mls – 240mls daily), minerals, zeolites, Cerule PlasmaFlo; MetaPure fish oils (fully purified EPA / DHA); purified water; nattokinase, high dose vitamin C (to bowel tolerance); keep vitamin D above 100nmols. Obviously breathing issues manifest as iron deficiency, so increasing iron helps but doesn’t fix the problem. Use EMF protection on your bodies, in your house, turn off devices whenever possible. : Portable Handheld Mesh Nebulize Ultrasonic Respirator Machine Travel Kids Adults
I also highly recommend the ASEA Redox Signalling Molecules – about 5mls – in this little nebuliser – and breathe them into the lungs, sinuses, eyes, nose and ears – as well as taking a minimum of 60mls twice a day – consistently to increase the Redox Signalling Molecules levels in the respiratory tract.
Clotting Support: ASEA liquid and RENEW 28 gel locally; gingko biloba, feverfew, garlic, ginger, danshen, chamomile, celery, horsechestnut, cayenne pepper, arjuna, gotu kola, curcuminoids/turmeric; Cerule PlasmaFlo (particularly fibrin clots); combination of Bromelain/N Acetyl Cysteine (breaks down both synthetic and non-synthetic clots); Inflavonoid Intensive Care (curcuminoids, ginger, willow bark, quercetin); Nattokinase; Serapeptase; Vitamins D & K; Vitamin C / Quercetin
EMF Protection: learn about EMF toxicity (signs can be just about anything); ASEA for cellular detoxification; Zeolites for heavy metal detoxification. There are many products/techniques for calms EMF’s in our body and reducing our toxic load. Eat cleanly – plenty of good quality grass fed proteins, purified water; reduce histamins/allergies (histamines & EMF’s attract each other) Histamine’s build up in the gut, brain, uterus and spine – and all other cells; EMF’s build up in the gut, brain, testes & spine (and all other cells)
Energy/Mitochondrial Challenges: Ginsengs (Korean, Indian, Siberian) Gingko & Bacopa (brain exhaustion); EPA/DHA fatty acids – increases cellular function; Magnesium and other minerals, Activated B Complex; holy basil, MACA, Cerule Stem Enhance, ASEA, Rhodiola, Schisandra, Cordyceps, Thyroid and Adrenal Support, green tea, cayenne; Activated B Complex; Good levels proteins and clean fats. Some of my favourite supplements are:
1. ASEA: if you don’t have your Redox Signalling Molecules activating energy in your body, you won’t make energy. Every cell requires Redox Signalling Molecules to function.
2. Cerule Stem Enhance: if you’re not releasing stem cells from your bone marrow, your body doesn’t regenerate as well as it should.
3. Adrenotone (Metagenics) & adrenoenhance (Orthoplex White): herbal and nutritional formulas which ‘tone’ the adrenals and nourish the nervous system.
4. EnergyX chocolate/tropical powder (Metagenics)
5. Thyrobalance (Metagenics) & SFM (Orthoplex White
Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E and K – important for epithelial and endothelial cells, capillary health, clotting stress, gut health, lung health, capillary health. Vegan diets can be very low in fat soluble nutrition and supplementation will be a must.
1. At the moment the egg meets the sperm, it’s redox signalling molecules that create a huge amount of energy – therefore ASEA and Renu28 increase these molecules and are exceptionally beneficial for infertility:
2. Clean up receptors, ovaries/eggs, sperm with ASEA/Renu28; Sulforaclear/BrocOn; High doses fully purified Omega 3 oils
3. For both men and women stress, EMF’s, toxicity, environmental challenges, nutritional deficiencies, long-covid / vaccine toxins, may all affect fertility.
4. Eat organically where possible, grass fed proteins, plenty of organic/free-range foods
5. Weight – try to reach a balanced weight great for health
6. cleaning up cellular debris using many of the above; supporting the health of female reproductive organs: Herbs that may increase fertility include vitex (Vitex agnus-castus), Pycnogenol; Stem Enhance; ASEA (amazing – REDOX Signalling Molecules support every cell in the body to function better potentially including stored eggs), damiana (Turnera diffusa), and maca (Lepidium meyenii). Vitex can increase progesterone in the second half of the cycle, which helps promote ovulation.
7. For men: ASEA, Zinc, D, Essential Fatty Acids, DHA, Damiana, Tribulus, Ashwagandh, Ginsengs, Maca. Don’t forget zinc is 80% zinc by weight.
Heart Support: magnesium and potassium combinations, coenzyme Q10, Stem Enhance & Renew28 (see below); Omega 3 fatty acids; hawthorn, turmeric and garlic, reishi mushroom, cordyceps, ashwagandha, rhodiola, raw cacao powder, lime flowers, lemon balm. We need activated B Complex (particularly B9) or we may get high levels of homocysteine (precursors for heart attacks)
1. ASEA Redox Renu28 every time there’s pain/palpitations
2. CardioX magnesium, taurine, activated B complex
3. Coenzyme Q 10
4. Cerule Stem Enhance (amazing for myocarditis / pericarditis / enlarged heart)
5. Renu28 externally – every time you feel your heart – palpitations / pain. If your arteries in your head/neck are narrowing – use renu28 on your neck several times daily to increase flexibility of these vein, arteries and capillaries.
6. Cardiac Formula / CardioS
7. Inflavonoid Intensive Care (curcuminoids, ginger, willow bark, quercetin)
Immune Dysfunction – T Helper 2 excess: when we have too many T Helper 2 cells we have high histamine conditions such as hayfever, asthma, eczema, rashes, itching: medical drugs suppress histamine and reduce immune system overactivity. However these medications do nothing for regulating the immune system.
Kidney support: lots of greens, sulforaphane, plenty of purified water, Dandelion tea, red clover, goldenrod, juniper, marshmallow root, burdock root, and nettles. These herbs may act as diuretics, which helps flush out the kidneys and remove excess waste. Turmeric. This herb is thought to reduce urea, prevent inflammation in the kidneys, and help expel waste
Kidney Stone Cleanse: Decide a day to do your cleanse. On the day of the cleanse, don’t eat or drink until 11am. Between 11 am and 1pm, drink 7 cans (2.65 litres) of FLAT, regular coca cola. Leave the coke open the night before (in the fridge) so that it is fully flat on the day of the cleanse. At 2pm eat 2 cupfuls of canned asparagus. For the sake of flavour don’t use unsalted – personally not recommended! Usually late afternoon, stones will start being passed as ‘sand’ in the urine. The phosphoric acid in the coca cola will have dissolved a huge portion of the stones, so the passing will be quite easy. Some people can see something in the urine or feel the movement, but with most, it will be perfectly clear. Be thankful if this is you! Each a regular meal between 5-7pm. Enjoy!
Liver support: The best herbs for liver health to naturally detoxify liver and support its role in whole body detoxification are Reishi mushroom, Astragalus root, Dandelion, Cordyceps mushroom, Turmeric root, Schizandra berry, Ginger, Selenium, Milk Thistle, Cardamom, Globe Artichoke and Chicory root, St Mary’s Thistle, glutathione, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Bupleurum; Globe artichoke. Methylated B Complex also supports the MTHFR genes (supporting liver health) that are messing with us these days. Use Renu28 externally 3-6 x daily to increase blood supply/circultation within the liver/gall bladder.
Lung Support: We can use the ASEA liquid with an inhaling device (see breathing issues); as well as using the ASEA Renu28 gel over the lungs; there are herbal combinations that change the microbial influence within the lungs ie helping to create an environment where chronic infections can’t live any more (infections are very smart and can create biofilms to protect themselves from the host), such as mullein, elecampane, eyebright, grindelia, Golden Seal, Golden Rod, Reishi; doing a parasite cleanse every month from 1 day before the full moon plus 1 week afterwards – double the dose of a really good anti-parasitic formula… getting vitamin D up to over 100nmol/ml (recommended is over 50 here in Australia), Vitamin A (up to 100,000 iu daily); there are formulas such as MediHerb Sinus Forte and ResCo which improve health of the lungs 😊
1. Vitamin D until levels in blood are over 100
2. Mediherb Sinus Forte & ResCo
Minerals: magnesium, selenium, iodine, calcium, potassium, zinc. All minerals are required by the body – and Australians have many deficiencies. There are formulas (in Australia) such as Mineral Essentials, that have a beautiful mix of good quality minerals to support every level of health.
Modified citrus pectins (chelation combinations). I’ve had minimal success with this. It simply seems to be something to add in to absorb more toxins from gut lining.
Neurological Issues: are you looking at the world around you and seeing nervous system issues going through the roof? Most children today are born with dominant Omega 6’s in the cell membranes – ie they are born in a pro-inflammatory state from Day 1. Many of these neurological issues are auto-immune challenges. We need to optimise the ability for myelin sheath detoxification and repair. We need to have pain remedies up our sleeve such as Metagenics SPM Active (Specialised Pro-Resolving Mediators) and Cerule Stem Enhance/Marine Collagen; BioAbsorb PEA; high potency fully purified omega 3 fish oil capsules. We need to detoxify, renew and repair.
High Strength, Enhanced Absorption PEA for Mild Nerve Pain Combined with Saffron. Obviously I use ASEA to cleanse, renew, regenerate our cells… and replace and top-up our Redox Signalling Molecules which are depleted in Neurological Issues.
Pain: my favourites (depending on the cause) are Inflavonoid intensive Care, Cerule Marine Collagen; high potency curcuminoid supplements; Cerule Stem Enhance; ASEA Redox Molecules/Gel; PEA (in the cannabinoid family); high potency fully purified EPA (in fish oil capsules) minimum 2000mg of EPA daily; SPM’s are specific pain mediators in fish oils too. 1000mg daily of SPM’s. Arthrex / Glucosamine Intensive Care and other formulations great for the joints and connective tissue.
Parasite Detoxification: Parasite detox regularly – most people on the planet have parasites in chronic illness – start the day before full moon each month and use for a week or two as your health improves: Parasites have the ability to lay between 20 and 20,000 eggs per day. Our appendix releases an anti-parasitic hormone – so once we have our appendix removed we need to think parasites regularly. Many medications and diets allow parasites to thrive in our bodies. They love a sweet, acidic environment.
1. Herbs such as anise, barberry, berberine, black walnut, clove oil, curled mint, golden thread, golden seal, grapefruit seed extract, propolis, oregano oil, Oregon grape, wormwood have anti-parasitic properties
2. Parasites are one of the infections that build up in people’s body over a lifetime and the full-moon activates the release of eggs.
3. Symptoms of parasites are: stomach pain, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, fever, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, upset stomach, dehydration, flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, aches and pains, itching, redness & irritation
Parasite Cleanse (easy!) Metagenics Parex 6 daily or Herbal anti-parasitic (the combinations I create we’d need about 10 mls twice daily): Start 1-2 days before full-moon and continue for about a week after the full moon. If you’ve had your appendix removed you may need to do a small version of this monthly for life. Do monthly until bioresonance / kinesiology shows that parasites are back under control. My herbal combinations are usually a combo of: Pau d’arco; Wormwood, Golden Seal, Licorice, Golden Seal, Reishi, Black Walnut hulls.
Stress: Lots of favourite herbs and supplements here: in Australia there are many nervous system supplements: Resilian, Stressan, Relaxan, Nervine Calm, Neurocalm, Neurolift, Adrenotone, AdrenoEnhance etc. Many combinations.
Vaxxxination Detoxification: There is a lot of concern about long term side-effects of the current experimental injections. Products I’ve been using over the past few years supporting general health (along with specific health support for symptoms – outlined elsewhere) are N-Acetyl Cysteine, High dose buffered vitamin C, ASEA liquid and gel daily; Stem Enhance if exhausted; Plasma Flo if symptoms of clotting; C60 / Fulvic Acid / Humic Acid / Zeolites all pull toxins out of the body Plenty of Vitamin D & K (capillary health) Technology in current vaccines – we’re still working on it, but ASEA Redox Signalling Molecules; colloidal gold, EDTA, serrapeptase, PlasmaFlo, digestive enzymes, bromelains & NAC, licorice & other herbals.
Water soluble vitamins: Such as… Vitamins B & C. Many people have a challenge with their MTHFR gene – meaning there’s a challenge in converting inactivated B vitamins into activated forms. Buying ‘activated’ B vitamins is a great idea. Vitamin C is both a fat and water soluble vitamin – so it supports detoxification from the blood, the lymph and the fat cells. Quercetin and hesperidin are in the vitamin C family – and highly effective for radiation poisoning as well.
Weight Issues: I’m seeing more people struggling with their weight now than ever before. Sure, many people if they eat less, exercise more lose weight.
• I often use Dr Simeons HCG Weight Loss protocol for men and women – a very specific process including a 500 calorie a day diet – which allows around 2000calories of brown fat to be released daily – therefore hunger is minimal and weight shifts – it puts us into fat burning.
• I also use ASEA Redox Signalling Molecules to activate fat burning. If it’s really irritating you – spend $$$ on yourself and do 1/3 - ½ bottle ASEA Water per day – yes, that’s a lot. Swish and swallow and drink plenty of purified water as well. ASEA Water is NOT water – it’s redox signalling molecules that will DETOX you, so if you don’t hydrate at the same time you will have detoxification side-effects and won’t follow through. This activates your ability to burn fat! It’s another great body-hack.
Some unique products (I make a small commission on – but only recommend because of my many years of experience and benefits for so many cells in the body:
ASEA – liquid and RENEW28 Gel – REDOX Signalling Molecules: allows every cell in the body to renew, regenerate and detox. A study was done with 120mls AM & PM (swish in mouth before swallowing – it’s absorbed not digested) and it found over 3 months that it upregulated anti-ageing genes. A base dose of 60mls AM & PM over a 2 year period (it takes time to detox, renew and regenerate one hundred trillion cells!) supports better health of joints, brain, kidneys – all cells in the body function better with REDOX signalling molecules.
To support my work purchase at:
1. The REDOX signalling molecules are created from purified salt water – and are NATURE IDENTICAL to the redox signalling molecules are cells require to be healthy. Patented as such.
2. The REDOX Signalling Molecules are absorbed into EVERY cell in your body
3. Contact me on 0417 643 849 to see if it can help you… or
4. Contact Amanda Bradford on 0409 775 455 – mention that I’ve recommended you - Amanda regularly talks on the REDOX science and molecules and had years of experience in knowing which dosage and packages work best for specific health challenges
5. ASEA also has some great supplements that are able to be ordered without a prescription – both for associates and preferred customers
6. Increases glutathione production massively!
7. Let me know on Messenger you’re interested – friend me on facebook, and I’ll set up a small group with a couple of other people so that any questions you have can be answered as quickly as possible.
Cerule Stem Enhance, Marine Collagen & Plasma Flo:
I’ve been using Stem Cell rejuvenation for over 15 years. The brands have changed (due to toxicity issues with previous brands) and the technology in the Cerule products for the PlasmaFlo and Stem Cell Support are fantastic. Each time we take 2 capsules of Stem Cell Enhance we are increasing stem cell production by 4-12 million cells – released directly from the bone marrow.
The CollagenActiv is AMAZINGLY anti-inflammatory
General rule of thumb is 4 daily for general health; 6 daily with 3 or so health problems, and as my friend Linda Hoggard says – if we’re really ‘munted’ we need 9-12 daily!
Here’s the website to order:
Madonna Guy ID: 2272429
Online phone support depending on where you are – let them know I’ve sent you!!
Contact Us - Cerule International
1. To support my ongoing research and work I’d love you to buy wholesale from the website 😊
2. Stem Cells can become any cells in the body
3. Marine Collagen is deeply anti-inflammatory – up to 3 x daily with chronic inflammation
4. Inflammation and toxicity can prevent the release of stem cells from our bone marrow. I have personally seen improvement in heart disease, inflammatory processes, brain improvement, joint disease over a period of time
5. Stem Cells will always be drawn to the area in your body that requires them most.
6. Plasma Flo supports better circulation in the body and reduces sticky substances such as fibrin which may cause micro-clotting in the body
7. There are other products available to for preferred customers and distributors
1. Stem Enhance Dose: maintenance 2 twice daily
2. Stem Enhance Dose: chronic disease 2 caps 3 x daily
3. Stem Enhance Dose: if really struggling 3 caps 3 x daily
4. Plasma Flo – 2-4 x daily
Fully Purified Zeolites
1. As far as I know there are no Australian zeolite products that are fully cleansed. In nature, zeolite sops of the most toxic ‘charged’ substances, so we need to make sure we are ingesting fully purified zeolites – or we are simply adding toxins.
2. I use a brand from the State that I know detoxes fully.
3. I don’t know if this link works but this is the product I get a very small commission for: available in drops; powder and capsules
4. Right click to open hyperlink 😊
5. I love the Pure Zeolite 400g / the Zetox liquid (very sweet!) / the capsules with humic acid
Supporting my work:
AO Scan / Solex Home BioResonance Device
Cost for Handheld Device: US$999
• As it’s scanning it’s trying to balance the body and bring things back into homeostasis
• Vitals, causes, suggestions for lifestyle
• Organ checks
• Bloods
• Parasites, bacteria, environmental toxins, viruses
• Emotions stored in different body system
• Chakras & meridians
• Ability to run frequencies for healing
• Ability to create homeopathics
• Ability to put positive energy into your jewellery and water
Cost per month to access over 120,000 frequencies online: US$150
The type of lifestyle support I recommend (obviously everyone is an individual!!):
At least 2 handfuls of mixed vegetables/salads per meal – plenty of variety, colours and types
Avoid GMO foods – Genetically Modified Organisms – there are many ill effects on human health
Breathing exercises – proven to support health on all levels. Find WIMHOF Breathing exercises on Youtube – he received a nobel prize for his research into the power of breath and how many health problems breathing can help! Use a nebuliser with ASEA and breathe in regularly.
Cleaning up diet and household where possible: Organic foods where possible; Personal care products – start replacing with natural non-toxic versions – such as moisturisers, hair products, hair dyes; Air purifiers; Be aware of moulds in households – massively linked to chronic ill-health
Detox Baths/Foot Baths – in order to detox really heavy medications such as cancer treatments, vaccines, long term use of medications we need to be thinking big doses regularly. Depending on what we need I love a cupful (each – depending on budget) of Epsom salts; zeolites; apple cider vinegar; washing soda; bicarb soda, sea salt
Detox daily – we are in a toxic soup on the planet at the moment. Whether it’s purified Zeolites. ASEA & Renu28… we’ve got to detox daily!
Diet – more paleo; keto; Mediterranean; adequate protein, great clean fats
EMF Protection – must do on the planet!! Personally I have a couple of Tesla devices in the house, in my handbag, wear a necklace and bracelet for protection.
Exercise daily – we are meant to move. Sitting is inflammatory.
Infrared Saunas – to support elimination and detoxification of deeper cells in the body.
Limit grains – organic grains where possible don’t have the glyphosate pesticide which causes most, if not all, coeliac disease symptoms
Many pharmaceutical products have many side-effects creating our health problems. Know the products you are on, look up the side-effects. Find alternatives in natural therapies.
Maximum of 2 pieces fruit per day for most people
Plenty of purified water – remove chlorine and fluoride which destroy microbiome in gut and reduce immunity.
Reducing weight where appropriate to reduce inflammation. For those who can – I use the HCG weight loss process; Paleo diet with appropriate exercise / weight bearing exercise; ASEA minimum 240 mls daily – this activates our ability to burn fat as energy instead of glycogen. (I’m currently taking ½ bottle daily – yes $30/day – so that I can clean up my fat stores.
Sleep improvement – so hard these days – so many things mess with our energy and upset sleep. Becoming more alkaline, increasing adaptogenic herbs, making sure we have topped up our magnesium supplies all help. Remove all devices and blue lights from your bedroom. I’ve slept deeper than I have in 15 years since I’ve been taking ASEA Water.
Smart Devices – use as few as you can. Every smart device releases small amounts of radiation. Detox Daily.
Vaccines: These current ‘vaccines’ are increasing all-cause mortality. Please do some research or see me before you or your family take any more vaccines Not only that but the World Health Organisation wants all vaccines moving forwards to be “mRNA” vaccines – which are causing heart attacks, strokes, auto-immunity, chronic disease and (very sadly), death. Scientists are finding (and patents actually say it) that some ingredients continue to self-assemble as we take more injectables. We need to be thinking detoxification on a daily basis – vitamin C, vitamin D & K, plenty of purified water, mitochondrial support.
Water: drink only purified water. Look into technology for structured water; alkalisation; purification. Add apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, celtic salt
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